

6,371 pages • 11,730 images6439 days • 17.6 years since 2007.07.27

A database tribute in simplified Chinese
to from Pop to Cult singers
in Kayōkyoku history (1960s~1980s).

Online streaming compilations KayoKook is now available,
follow and stay tuned!

For male artists, any lyricist or composer,
try "Search" at the top or via Google Search.

This is a PERSONAL BLOG, NO COMMERCIAL USE or public advertisement is affiliated.
Information and image sources include auction sites,
various Kayōkyoku related personal pages as well as my personal collection.

» 男歌手/Male Singers «

» 合辑/Compilations/オムニバス «







か・が (Ka/Ga)

き・ぎ (Ki/Gi)

く・ぐ (Ku/Gu)

け・げ (Ke/Ge)

こ・ご (Ko/Go)

さ・ざ (Sa/Za)

し・じ (Shi/Ji)

す・ず (Su/Zu)

せ・ぜ (Se/Ze)

そ・ぞ (So/Zo)

た・だ (Ta/Da)

ち・ぢ (Chi/Ji)

つ・づ (Tsu/Zu)

て・で (Te/De)

と・ど (To/Do)






は・ば・ぱ (Ha/Ba/Pa)

ひ・び・ぴ (Hi/Bi/Pi)

ふ・ぶ・ぷ (Fu/Bu/Pu)

へ・べ・ぺ (He/Be/Pe)

ほ・ぼ・ぽ (Ho/Bo/Po)
















A-Z / 0-9